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Bottled water production line

The equipment is mainly used in the production of mineral water, purified water, beverage bottled in polyester bottle. 
Product Description: 
1. It can keep bottle steady under high-speed operation, it is more convenient. 
2. Adopts new generation stainless steel bottle gripper, no dead angle. 
3. Adopting advanced gravity filling principle, it can keep rapid, steady and accurate filling. 
4. Magnetic torque is used for screw capping, the power of screw capping can be adjusted step-less. 
5. The machine adopts human-computer interface, touch screen button, PLC computer control. It has high degree of automation. 
6. Parts in direct contact with water are made of high-quality stainless steel, main electrical components are introduced from international famous manufacturers. 

Model DH12-12-5C DH18-18-6C DH24-24-8C DH32-32-8C DH40-10-10C DH60-50-15C
Production Capacity 4000 8000 10000-12000 13000-15000 16000-18000 20000
Bottle Diameter Φ50-Φ100mm; Bottle Height 150-320mm; Volume 330-1500ml(special bottle can be designed)
Plastic thread cap
Air Consumption 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.55 0.6
Total Power 4.6 5.4 6.4 8.07 9.56 11.18
Total Weight 2500 3800 5200 6500 8000 11200
Dimension 2350*1700* 2150 1830*2030* 2030 3220*2300* 2600 3450*2510* 2710 3800*2800* 2710 4510*3400* 2900
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